Caught in the mesmerizing haze of the current fugly footwear trend, today I finally broke down and bought a pair of Crocs. I swore I wouldn't, but in my defense, I bought them as a gift for my my mother's upcoming birthday, and I know she'll find good use for them in the garden. (They are, after all, glorified, cheap plastic clogs.) The only credit I will give them is comfort; but I remain bitterly opposed to the inappropriateness in which the Chosen People choose to don their Crocs.
Israelis (in either their incredibly innovative and creative sense of fashion, as my boyfriend would describe, or extreme oblivion, as I prefer to explain it) absolutely LOVE their Crocs-- er, Fraucs. They wear them with business attire (Israeli woman: nice black dress suit, royal blue Crocs); they wear their Crocs with socks (young girl on Emek Rafaim: white Crocs with white socks); they dress the entire family in chromological chronological order (family on the bus: baby wears blue, tot wears green, young'un wears yellow, teenager wears orange, and Ima boasts bright red Crocs). I'm shocked and amazed that the religious faction hasn't taken to wearing Crocs with their black suits and tzit-tzit.
Inspiration for the hideously ugly shoes come from the age-old housewife's special gardenwork footwear, and Scandinavian dancing attire: the traditional wooden clog.